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Influencing Policy & Legislative Reforms Since 2008

Our Campaigns

We are very proud that Detained in Dubai and CEO, Radha Stirling have influenced a number of legislative changes and policy reforms in several countries .


Interpol & Extradition Reform

In 2010, Stirling lobbied Australian Parliament to ensure human rights provisions were enshrined in the extradition treaty between the countries.


Stirling has brought the international spotlight to 'Interpol Abuse' and works with policy influencers and lawmakers in the US to lobby for protection, accountability and reform.


Stirling founded IPEX Reform to help victims of injustice and to assist politicians, legislators and media to spotlight the perpetual issues with the France based organisation.

Freedom of Press

We advocate for freedom of press and the rights of journalists to be protected from persecution, wrongful imprisonment, unlawful surveillance and harassment.


Journalists and activists have frequently been threatened, imprisoned, harassed or even killed by powerful state figures who seek to silence human rights abuses.


With freedom of press, abuses are brought to the public spotlight and states are ultimately forced to improve and change.  We work with investigative journalists all over the world to highlight instances of abuse.

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